The 10 Best Finance Accounts on Instagram

Haley Durkee
Posted On
March 6, 2020
Updated On
August 28, 2024
green vector images to represent finance brands on social

Navigating the finance industry doesn’t have to be dull or daunting, especially with the wealth of knowledge available on Instagram. Taking control of our finances is a big step toward verifiable adulthood and financial service providers and influencers are stepping up to guide millennials and Gen Zers through this new frontier. While social media has been mostly uncharted territory in the world of finance, several brands are paving the way to make Instagram a top marketing channel.

From budget-friendly tips to savvy investment strategies, the best finance Instagram accounts make money matters accessible and yes —  even enjoyable. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to level up your financial game, these Instagram profiles are packed with insights and inspiration to help you stay informed and on track. Discover the best finance accounts on Instagram to follow and make your feed a little richer.

1. The Financial Diet (@thefinancialdiet)  

  • Followers: 813K
  • Best for: Quick tips, themed money guides, Reels 
  • Active on: Instagram, TikTok X, Facebook

If you’re not familiar with Chelsea Fagan’s interesting stories and sisterly advice on TikTok, you might be familiar with her company, The Financial Diet. The Financial Diet Instagram account shares financial advice, specifically catering to women, with a variety of Reels created by Chelsea, infographics and stitches from relevant Reels. 

Its Instagram account is popular due to the popularity of their founder, their content mix and blend of quick, non-preachy advice and relatable finance memes makes their account a great follow for anyone looking to add a little financial wisdom to their day.

text based money intention checklist
Image credit: @thefinancialdiet

2. Chime (@chime

  • Followers: 1M
  • Best for: Memes, relatable financial experiences 
  • Active on: Instagram, TikTok, X, Facebook

Chime is a banking app that also hosts a finance podcast, ‘Ball on a Budget’, which takes pro basketball players to thrift stores with a $300 budget to show listeners (and viewers — they’re on YouTube) you don’t need an exorbitant budget to build a great, unique outfit. 

Chime’s Instagram account combines educational content with a community-focused approach that reinforces its brand identity.

chef manny standing in doorway during home interview
Image credit: @robmartinez and @chiime

3. Sofi (@sofi

  • Followers: 1M
  • Best for: Memes, relatable financial experiences 
  • Active on: Instagram, X, Facebook

Sofi’s Instagram account benefits from their sponsorship — and naming rights — over Sofi stadium. In addition to financial content, like snippets of their podcast with financial influencer Vivan Tu (@your.richbff), they also share content from home teams the LA Rams and Dodgers, which helps diversify its audience and reach people with related interests in sports and finance. This content often has a financial slant — like the example below where Rams’ members share how they’d spend their first paycheck. 

Sofi does an excellent job of differentiating its content to reach and entertain a variety of users.

rams rookie talking about first paycheck
Image credit: @sofi

4. Dasha Kennedy (@thebrokeblackgirl)

  • Followers: 325K
  • Best for: Culturally relevant financial advice, funny quips 
  • Active on: Instagram, Threads, TikTok

Dasha Kennedy, also known by her handle, The Broke Black Girl, delivers financial advice that certainly won’t leave you broke — if you listen. Her Instagram feed is primarily composed of repurposed tweets, filled with wisdom and the occasional funny quip, like ‘My grandma describing the work I do as “Yea, my grandbaby be doing stuff on the internet”, and infographics chock-full of financial advice. 

Kennedy’s passion for financial literacy is clear from her profile, which offers personal development to her audience in an inspiring and motivating way that hits home.

tweet screenshot about finance advice
Image credit: @thebrokeblackgirl

5. Tiffany Aliche (@thebudgetnista)

  • Followers: 659K
  • Best for: Podcast lovers, quick financial stories 
  • Active on: Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, X

Tiffany Aliche doesn’t just run the Budgnetnista blog and Instagram account, which shares financial tips, tools and resources. In addition to her online presence, Aliche has been featured in the Netflix documentary ‘Get Smart With Money’, which features financial advisers giving simple tips, and has authored the book, ‘Get Good With Money’. Aliche’s account is great for finance newbies and people who are seeking advanced saving and investment strategies. 

On her Instagram feed, Aliche highlights her appearances on ‘Good Morning America’, podcasts she’s guested on and more. Interspersed with this content, Aliche shares carousels and other quick financial tips users can easily digest on their Instagram feeds. 

group of people smiling during photo after congressional hearing
Image credit: @thebudgetnista

6. Cheddar (@cheddar

  • Followers: 732K
  • Best for: Entertainment, news 
  • Active on: Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, X

Cheddar is a TV network and news media platform covering topics like business, technology, politics and finance. They’re quite active on Instagram, teasing segments from their more comprehensive news coverage. 

While they shy away from sharing financial news on its account, they share interesting stories that almost always intersect with finance. This is a great way to capture users with short, concise, yet deeply interesting content.

young family moving into new apartment
Image credit: @cheddar

7. Humphrey Yang (@humpreytalks)

  • Followers: 615K
  • Best for: Financial ‘experiments’, quick tips
  • Active on: TikTok, Facebook, X

HumphreyTalks’ Instagram account is ideal for those interested in personal finance and investment advice, especially young professionals and beginners. He focuses on delivering easy-to-understand financial tips and strategies, with content ranging from investment basics and saving tips to detailed reviews of financial products, all shared through engaging visuals and straightforward explanations.

man holding gold bar from costco
Image credit: @humpreytalks

8. Amanda Wolfe (@shewolfeofwallstreet

  • Followers: 316K
  • Best for: 
  • Active on: Instagram, Facebook, X, TikTok 

The @shewolfeofwallstreet Instagram account is best suited for those interested in investment and debt management strategies. Amanda Wolfe, the creator, simplifies complex financial topics into understandable content, making it ideal for beginners and those looking to make prudent financial decisions. Her posts often include tips on slow and steady investing, emphasizing the benefits of compounding interest.

blonde woman making video
Image credit: @shewolfeofwallstreet

9. Clever Girl Finance (@clevergirlfinance)

  • Followers: 359K
  • Best for: Financial advice for women
  • Active on: TikTok, IG, X, Facebook

The Clever Girl Finance Instagram account is founded by journalist Bola Sokunbi. Her finance account is best suited for women seeking to improve their financial literacy and independence. The content is full of empowering financial advice, tips on saving, investing, budgeting and motivational quotes to encourage smart money management. The visuals are vibrant and the advice is tailored to help women build a solid financial foundation.

Image credit: @clevergirlfinance

10. Jeremy Schneider (@personalfinanceclub)         

  • Followers: 640K
  • Best for: Early retirement tips, global economics 
  • Active on: Instagram, X, Facebook, TikTok 

The Personal Finance Instagram account is ideal for a broad audience seeking practical advice on managing personal finances. It offers a mix of financial tips, budgeting strategies, and insights into saving and investing. The account simplifies complex financial concepts, making them accessible to beginners and those looking to refine their financial practices.

Schneider uses a mix of illustration and infographics to help audiences visualize financial concepts. This often involves comparing the outcome of an uninformed decision with a decision made using their product or service — and it’s highly effective.

Image credit: @personalfinanceclub

Bank on Social Success With Dash Social

Finance brands can leverage Dash Social to elevate their social media presence by tapping into Dash Social’s Predictive AI, which helps brands determine which visuals have the best chance to perform, analyzes the sentiment behind their comments and even offers AI-powered insights into your performance. 

These insights, along with Social Analytics, let you identify emerging trends and adjust strategies in real-time. By focusing on visual storytelling, finance brands can build stronger connections with audiences and demystify complex financial concepts through powerful, yet accessible visuals.

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