Consumer Electronics and Technology brands leverage data-backed insights from Dash Social to optimize performance, drive ROI, build excitement around the latest launch and foster an engaged community.
As the Technology and Consumer Electronics Industry continues to grow, and new brands emerge, it’s become more important than ever to have a thoughtful social strategy in place.
Dash Social provides brands in the Consumer Electronics Industry and Technology brand marketing professionals with the tools they need most to measure, predict and enhance the performance of their visual content, and convert followers into loyal customers.
Estimated Consumer Electronics Industry growth rate in the United States in 2024.
Source: Statista
$512 billion
Estimated retail revenue from Consumer Electronics and Technology in the United States in 2024.
Source: Statista
The brand loyalty score of consumers in the Electronics and Technology Industry.
Source: Statista
In the consumer electronics world, capturing the attention of the most digitally savvy consumers is essential. Social media is where consumers discover the latest gadgets, from headphones to the newest iPhone launch. Dash's social media management suite equips brands with the tools they need for successful consumer electronics marketing, enabling them to drive performance and perfect their social strategy.
Fully integrated into the Dash Social platform, Library allows Technology brands to visually search content, create galleries and leverage performance predictions to understand what will drive the best results on social before even posting.
Measuring and being agile are the most important aspects of Consumer Electronics and Technology brands' strategies. Analyze and report on multiple channels and brands in one easy-to-use tool to leverage only the metrics that matter the most.
Dash Social’s multi-channel scheduling solution is the easiest way for Consumer Electronics and Technology brands to schedule their perfectly curated content for their most important channels.