Social Media Marketing Proposal Template

Getting buy-in on new ideas and plans from your team can be frustrating for social media managers. Use this ready-to-fill social media proposal template to help get them on board from the very beginning.

What Is a Social Media Marketing Proposal?

A social media proposal is a document, usually in the form of a presentation or a PDF, that outlines various elements of your social media presence or a specific idea or plan. Aside from presenting a new idea or project that may require more buy-in or sign-off than a regular project, proposals can be used as a roadmap to highlight plans for the coming quarter or year. Social media proposals are a great place to store all your facts and information for you and your team to reference once the project starts. 

What Should Be Included in a Social Media Proposal?

When it comes to what should be in your social media proposal, there are a few elements that cannot be missed. You must give an overview of the project or idea, your project goals, the scope of work, the proposed timeline, your budget and lastly, the next steps after the proposal is presented. These elements will all ensure that any questions your team may have will be promptly answered and addressed. 

Why Your Brand Needs a Social Media Proposal Template

While no one knows better than you what should be in your social media proposal, using a template is beneficial for several reasons. The first is that a template can show you exactly what you should be covering in your proposal (like what was mentioned above) and in what order. Having a cohesive flow is one of the most important parts of a proposal and can make or break the result. The second reason you may want to use a template is for consistency. A great template can be used time and time again for more social media proposals in the future and can be tailored to be precisely what you need it to be. Lastly, to save precious time. Proposals are time-consuming and using a template can cut that time spent in half by already having the bones in place. 

How To Use Dash Social’s Proposal Template

Dash Social has created a simple yet effective proposal template deck for social media managers to fill in with their most important project details. Within the deck, you will find slides for:

  • A project overview: A place to describe what your project is.
  • Goals and KPIs: A place for you to lay out the goals of your project.
  • Scope of work: A place for the details of your project, like content cadence, team involvement and more. 
  • Your project timeline: A place to lay out a rough timeline of your project from beginning to end. 
  • Your budget: A place for the proposed budget you will need for your project. 
  • Next steps: A place to share the next steps following your proposal meeting. 

We also include a very basic example report to show you what these slides look like in action. But remember, your social media proposal deck is supposed to support your actual proposal presentation. Be sure to add as much verbal context as you can to your slides to keep your team engaged and to show them you’ve done your research and that you are the expert. 

Are you ready to finally get your most creative social media ideas off the ground? Download your free social media proposal template in Google Slides to get started today.

Download Your Proposal Template in Google Slides

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